Take Advantages of These FREE Resources


You'll Find Topics On Financial Literacy, Mental Health, Sibling Rivalry, Bullying,  Success Skills, and Much More!

A Parent's Guide To Empowering Your Child Against Bullying

  • Over 70% Of School-Aged Children Say Bullying Is A Problem... 
  • Your Child Is At Risk Of Suicide If They Are Being Bullied...
  •  WARNING - You Should NEVER Do This If Your Child Is Bullied...
Are You Willing To Risk Not Knowing More? 
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A Parent's Guide To Defusing Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry Doesn't...
  • Have To Drive You Crazy...
  • Disturb The Peace In Your Home...
  • Mean You Are A Failure Aa A Parent...
  • Have You At Your Wits End...
  • Result In Bullying.
This Guide Will Help You Prevent and Resolve Conflicts Between And Among Your Children
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How to Improve Lines of Communication With Your Children 

What Are Your Odds For Long-Term Parental Happiness?
  • Do You Enhance Your Children’s Trust In You?
  • Do You Minimize Frustrations Between You and Your Children?
  • Do You Model Behaviors That Would Improve Your Children’s Odds For Future Happiness?
Are You Sure You Are Do Everything To Be That Trusted Adult In Your Children 's Life?
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A Parent's Guide to Giving Your Children A Healthy Start

Nearly Fully Grown In 5 Years...


  • That Is How Fast Your Child's Brain Grows From Birth
  • If You Don't Do These, Then You Could Be Setting Your Child Up For Failure
  • The Secret To Your Child's Future Happiness Is In Their Brain
  • And That's Not All!
    Don't Miss Your Opportunity To Nurture Your Child's Brain For A Lifetime Of Happiness
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Top 9 Suicide Warnings You Need to Know to Protect Your Child

3 Children Every Minute...
  • That's The Number of Children Who Will Have Attempted Suicide In The US In The Time It Takes For You To Read This Message 
  •  According to USA Today, More Young People Are Committing Suicide, And Experts Aren't Sure Why
  • Did You Know That Suicides Don't Just Happen Out Of The Blue?  Don't Ignore Your Child When They Make These Comments
Do Miss Any Of The Top Warning Signs Countless Grieving Parents Overlook.
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Signs Your Child Is Crying Out For Help

  •  If You See This Behavior, Then Know Where To Reach Out For Your Child's Sake
  • Why You Need Not To Despair  When Feel You Are Not Getting Through To Your Child
  • You MUST DoThis When Your Child Is Hurting To Prevent Making The Situation Worse


Know The Clues And What To Do
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Screen Time Addiction Checklist

Do You Or Your Children...
  • Experience Cravings To Use Digital Devices...
  • Use Digital Devices For Pleasure...
  • Feel Irritable When Not Using Digital Devices...
  • Neglect Responsibilities To Use Devices... 
  • Feel Guilt Or Shame About Using Digital Devices
Use This Checklist To See If Your Children Are Addicted To Their Digital Devices.
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Mental Health 101 Fact Sheet

Did You Know That...

  • You And Your Children Need These The 3 Things For Good Mental Health...
  • Someone In Your Family Could Be Suffering From This Most Common Form Of Mental Illness...
  • According To The CDC, Only 17% Of Adults Enjoy Optimal Mental Health 
This Fact Sheet Could Save Your Life And The Lives Of Your Children 
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 Teaching a Money Mindset to Minors

Get Started Now...
  • Introducing Your Children To Financial Literacy By Age 3 Is Not Too Soon Because By Age 7 They Have Already Formed Money Habits...
  • Your Preschooler Can Take Charge Of This Easy Task To Develop Shopping Savvy...
  • Give Your Children These Simple Opportunities To Teach Them Financial  Analysis.
Give To Your Children The Money Smarts They Need Today
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Top 10 Success Skills

Find Out...
 What You MUST NEVER  Do If You Want Your Children To Become Successful And Fulfilled. (See #4)
 THE UNSPOKEN TRUTH About Children Who See Themselves As Failures Their Whole Life, And The Ridiculously Simple Solution That Is So Often Tragically Overlooked. (See #5)
 ​Why 71% OF PARENTS Have To Live With Regret Their Whole Life Because They Failed To Teach Their Children This 1 Simple But Life Defining Principle. (See #10)
You Won't Want To Miss Out On This Important Information!
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