3 Children Every Minute...

  • That's The Number of Children Who Will Have Attempted Suicide In The US In The Time It Takes For You To Read This Message 


  • Your Child Might Have Considered Suicide Whether You Realize It Or Not


  • According to USA Today, More Young People Are Committing Suicide, And Experts Aren't Sure Why


  • Did You Know That Suicides Don't Just Happen Out Of The Blue?  Don't Ignore Your Child When They Make These Comments


  • Why Certain Behaviors In Your Child Are Significant

Top 9 Suicide Warning Signs You Need to Know to

Protect Your Child 


Do You Have Any Idea If Your Child Is Thinking About Suicide?

Do You Even Know How To Start The Conversation?


Download My FREE Suicide Awareness Guide So You Do Miss Any Of The Top Warning Signs Countless Grieving Parents Overlook.

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